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Atlanta, GA, United States

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New infestation. Columbus day big co. deals. Try something new.

So the victory roses I received had fungus flies in them.  Now the tea roses I have received have what are called spider mites!  I just cannot win with indoor roses!  I thought I just may have a little spider in the tea rose but I noticed tiny, VERY tiny white-ish insects milling around in the webbing, & so after some research, found out what I had.  So the roses have been secluded to the back porch for now.  I don't want to throw another plant away though so I did some reading & it seems that horticultural oils are the most effective at ridding them.  I have no clue where they came from as my father had this plant for a while w/no infestation & my other plants are fine.  We are starting to get frosts though also so I'm afraid that one nay get to the plant before the other.  There was a bud really to bloom also & then these darn mites came!  I have a feeling this one may not survive also with all that I need to put into it this time of year.


Well, it being Columbus Day weekend I have received a few e-mails of some deals going on.  1st off with Bath & Body Works.  I'm not a huge fan of theirs.  They aren't very interactive w/their customers, they are just a big mish-mosh of companies & products.  But they do carry a few things I really do like.  Online they have 50% off their sweet shop candles which are pretty awesome for the most part, only a few of them I wasn't too hot with how the smelled when in the store.  B3G3 on their signature collections, & a bunch of summer, Halloween products, & lip glosses at 75% off.  AND using code EVENT25 will get you $1 shipping on orders $25 or more.  Of course there's other things, but these were the note worthy items for me.  I'm not sure if there are in store or not but I may drop by one today because I have a coupon for a free item & 20% off my entire purchase.  Been pretty good w/not buying much from them anyway.
*EDIT - same sales in store.  Already pretty picked over.

Now The Body Shop is having a B3G2, B2G1 or Buy 1 Get 1 1/2 off.  But, if your like me, & have almost the entire store because they don't change their line up 1/2 as much as B&BW does, then it's meaningless.


This time of year brings pumpkin to death for soap scents.  Really.  A lot of times I go out on limbs to try new things & I think others should also.  So, this is actually uncommon but it is MY new autumn scent thanks to Two Oakes Soapworks.  It is carrot cake soap & she has 2 bars left for sale on eBay.  If I didn't have so many other soaps to try right now I would snatch these up because they are scented so perfectly.  The carrot cake has been spiced right & just came out of the oven.  It should come with a disclaimer not to attempt to eat it!

I hope to have more on this company soon!


Got my flu shot yesterday.  Hope to run a few errands today w/a bit of retail therapy today.

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